Stories That Bind Us Review

I have not read Susie Finkbeiner’s other novel, All Manner of Things, but I have been finding a lot of new to me authors that I love lately, so I decided to give Stories That Bind Us a try. I also tend to gravitate towards books with people on the covers, but I have been finding some non-human cover books lately that I absolutely love! This one is no exception!! I am glad I decided to give it a go. Not many books can do to me like the Disney movie Up does - makes me cry within the first few minutes/pages. Stories That Bind Us had me sobbing in the first part. While sobbing sounds bad, it also means that the story was very well written and relatable in a way that makes you feel connected to the characters. While I cannot personally relate to the situations Betty Sweet goes through (thankfully), but Finkbeiner hits a home run in guiding us through the character’s emotions and feelings. I was given a copy of this book by the publisher. All opinions are my own, and I was not required t...